Monday, April 28, 2008

Another one for my stupid file

At the beginning of the quarter I registered for a swimming (PE) class and got waitlisted. I was like 23rd on the waitlist or something crazy so I didn't think I would make it in and didn't think any more about it. I happened to log in to myUCDavis (the student portal website thingy) for the first time since that time and noticed that I was registered for a third course besides my reasearch and conference classes. hmm.. thats odd...



OH CRAP! I must have gotten into the swim class!


OH CRAP! I was supposed to be going to class since the end of March.


Ahh the joys of being an absent minded crazy person! :)

I emailed the instructor and I'm sure he got a good chuckle. Or he was just annoyed. Anyway, he pretended to be nice and said he would give me credit for the time I missed and to start coming next class. Everyone else in the class is going to be like "who is this random girl adding in the middle of the quarter?" Oh man, good times..


  1. so i have recurring nightmares about this, but it’s usually a high school english class and I haven’t written any of the papers or read any of the books I was supposed to but didn't realize it until the end of the semester. are you guys doing a garden again this year?

  2. We are doing a garden! The 'Garden Blog' link on the right has all the updates about the garden. Probably more than you want to know ;)
