Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Less than 48 Hours

Wow, I can’t believe that we leave in 2 days! We’re pretty much done packing.. just a few odds and ends things left. Hopefully Ernesto will be gone by Friday afternoon so that we don’t have to load the truck in the rain. I wouldn’t mind the rain except that our stuff would get all wet and then sit closed up for a week. Well, thats about all the news.. let us know if you want to help us Friday :)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

WOo HOo!

I have lots of announcements!!

1. Derrick is home!! We survived 3 weeks apart!

2. Derrick’s car is SOLD! A highschool guy bought it as his first car- he was so excited that he locked his key in the car within 6 hours of owning it :) I guess they got into it because the spare was with Derrick in CA.
3. Derrick found us an apartment! Email me if you want our new address. I will hopefully be sending out little post cards.. but it may not happen in the midst of all the other things we have to do… like pack.

4. We will be heading out Labor Day weekend.. either Friday or Saturday. So if anyone is free let me know and we will LET you come over and carry things down two flights of stairs! Aren’t we nice? :)

5. My sister and I are having a yard sale on the 26th. I have a computer, dining table, lots of clothes, violin, and other odds and ends to sell. If anyones interested let me know and I’ll give you the address or you can buy it before the yard sale.
I think thats about it. Our apartment is an absolute wreck. Even worse than usual if thats possible. Yay! The End.

Monday, August 7, 2006

Monday you come too soon!

This weekend just completely flew by. It was fun though! On Sunday I went to the beach in Wilmington in the morning and then drove home and went to the pool with the girls. Amanda didn’t show but I half expected that- she is not known for her reliability ;) We ‘grilled’ burgers on the george foreman after the pool- yummy!

Friday, August 4, 2006

New Old Bike!

I am the proud new owner of a Free Spirit Brittany bicycle! It was only(?) $55! I’m not really sure if I got ripped off or not but it was the cheapest non-mountain bike that I could find. Plus it should be an great commuter bike- fenders to keep (most of) the mud/gunk off me, a rack to carry stuff on, a more comfy seat, smooth tires and its blue!

As you can probably tell I’m slightly excited. I am almost one week down, 2 weeks to go of Derrick being gone! I’m going to Wilmington in until Sunday afternoon when the gals are coming over for a pool party!

I heard a cool thing on Klove the other day, Sunday actually. It was the guy from Rivers of the World and he was telling a story about how there were these kids working on houses and a government official asked them weren’t they tired!? The little boy replied “My God gives me endless strength!” WoW! That was especially poignant (is that how you spell it?) since I was freaking out about how I was EVER going to survive 3 weeks without Derrick. So I claimed it- God will give me endless strength! And so far he has provided as promised :) I still would rather Derrick be here or me be there but we are surviving joyfully. Praise God.