Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Toy

I finally broke down and got a compost tumbler.  The worms were too hard, they always smelled and had mites.  So anyway, here it is!

Its a ComposTumbler.  So far so good.  I put a bunch of shredded paper in there last weekend and have been gradually adding food and garden scraps as I get them.  I also dumped the remains of the worm bin in there.   I don't think theres enough green stuff in there yet to do anything spectacular.  I will keep you posted on how things go.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice - we bought a composter about a month or so ago and I suppose it is working. We hope to have some nice compost by next year.

    Good to know that the worms aren't as easy as they say... still debating on it.
