Friday, May 18, 2007


Oh man, I found this really funny comic strip. Its called Piled Higher and Deeper (PhD) - about graduate student life. Here is one of my favorites.

And here is a cool picture (I think its cool at least):

Today I had a soil microbiology test and I think I did well! I definitely should have taken this class before I took the micro 200 class last quarter. I got all the details in 200 and had know idea what they really meant. Now I am getting the big picture and putting all the details together- lots of 'oohh thats what that is' moments.

It saddens me to think that everyone else (non-CA) is already done with classes and I am only 1/2 way through the quarter! booo!

Time for lab cleaning!

1 comment:

  1. hey kelly - so fun to hear from you! we hope you and derek are doing well. don't worry, i am still in class too and just keep break for me! -Lauren
