Monday, September 11, 2006

Day 7 - Thursday - Yellowstone

We spent most of the morning seeing Old Faithful and the other geysers around there.In the afternoon we went to see the and other hot springs.

The mudpots were really cool. They are formed when the hot water underground melts the rock and turns it into clay- which looks like 'mud'. They bubble and spew and smell really bad- like sulphur. They are also very acidic- the bacteria that live them convert the hydrogen sulfate (I think) that smells really bad to sulphuric acid.

We also stopped by the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone which was spectacular. The canyon was formed by the Yellowstone River.

That night we stayed at the Lake Hotel which is, who would have guessed, on Lake Yellowstone! Our room had an awesome view. It is the oldest lodging place in Yellowstone and the lake is the biggest above 7000ft.

The hotel had a restaraunt in it but it would have been at least $50 for us to eat there so we opted to walk down the road to the Lodge Cafeteria. We had trout (from the lake!) and mac and cheese and corn. It was yummy and much cheaper and we are all about cheap. ;)

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