Monday, September 11, 2006

Day 10 - Sunday - In Conclusion

In the morning, Derrick called Melissa and she said she would call when she had some free time to come by. We went back to AutoZone to try to find the tool that we needed. Melissa called while we were there so we met her back at Derricks work. She installed the spark plugs and the car started!! She said we should let it run for a while before we moved it and then restart it to take it off the trailer. So we did and it worked and we were happy!

We went back to the apt and unloaded most of the boxes and smaller furniture. One of Derrick’s coworkers, Eric (Derrick and Eric hehe) offered to help us but he couldn’t come until 2pm so we went and got some lunch at Quizno’s mmmmm.

Eric came and they had everything up in like 30 minutes. After the truck was empty we went and picked back up the trailer and returned both to the Penske place. We then went to COSTCO for food and TARGET for a shower curtain so that we could eat dinner and bathe ;) We did both of those things and then went to bed.

So all of our stuff is in the apartment but most of it is crowded in the living room. So theres still lots of unpacking but the hard part in definitely done. Overall it was an awesome trip- thanks to all those that prayed for us and please continue to do so- we still have a lot of adjusting to do and stuff to figure out.

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