Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Peas, Dead pumpkins and babies

I pulled up and harvested the last of the peas over the weekend.  I also bought some flowers and herbs for my hanging baskets.  I found some lemon balm at Ace and it smells absolutely divine.   The flowers are pretty too- I will try to take a pic soon.

I have sad news. Today we had some pretty strong wind and at least one of the pumpkins is dead, stem just broke off the rest of the way.  With the way the wind is around here I think the rest of them will probably die too before they get around to even flowering.  So sad.  Perhaps I shall go buy some replacements at Ace..

I checked this evening and I have baby corn! And a few more baby tomatoes as well.


  1. Oh no, is it too late try to grow more pumpkin?

    Baby corn sounds amazing as does the baby tomatoes.

  2. I think its not too late- I went and got a plant at Ace and its only a little smaller than the ones that died.
    My corn is no longer a baby- its harvest time and oh so delicious :)
