This is another picture of Alcatraz- its so pretty to have been a maximum security prison!
Anyway, my parents have been planning their visit to come see us! I think they are very stressed about it - just trying to figure out when to what. I am very excited! Its been since Christmas since I've seen them. I have been getting especially homesick lately. Summer is the time when everyone gets together at my parents and we sit on the back porch, grill fish, drink wine .. and I miss it! Oh, and the beach. Point Reyes somewhat filled that void but its still not the same as Wrightsville.
So enough reminiscing, I have a lot of work to do this summer. I have some bactch reactor experiments to run, but before I do that I have to do a couple preliminary experiments. Should definitely take the whole summer if not longer. I am learning so much- my brain feels like it is on overload, but I am enjoying it a lot. Yesterday I sat in on a (2-hour) meeting about the Chevron proposal. It was slightly disorganized but I got to see a part of how the whole applying for $$ works; somewhat overwhelming.
Garden News: I have sooo many green tomatoes and lots of little peppers. AND baby corn! I'm so excited! In few weeks I think I will be overwhelmed with vegetables! I am planning to make a bunch of spaghetti sauce. And freeze the peppers. And make lots and lots of popcorn! :)
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