That means that there are 4 more days until the quarter is essentially over!! That also means that I have four days to finish 2 papers, 2 presentations and a final exam. The only thing I am really worried about is the microbiology exam. I have had a hard time learning everything for each test so the idea of having to stuff 3 tests worth of stuff into my brain at once makes me slightly anxious.
The fact that the timing belt on the car is cracked also makes me slightly anxious. I don't have time to deal with it until next week so hopefully it will hold on until then!
My garden is almost ready for planting! I finished clearing out the area this weekend. Things left to do include: fixing/finishing the fence, creating raised beds and working in the mulch/compost. My cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers are almost ready for planting. I started some greens, herbs and marigolds this weekend so hopefully they will be ready in a couple weeks too.
This morning on the train I was thinking about the differences between NC and CA and the main one I thought about is the sky. The sky out here seems so much bigger. You look out and its like you can see forever. Almost every sunrise and sunset that I have seem is breathtaking. This is probably because of terrain. I grew up at the beach and its pretty flat but but nothing like here- I can look east or west from the valley and see flat nothingness, flat nothingness -- MOUNTAINS! That is when there isn't a smoggy haze. .
I was also thinking about how in 2 weeks I will never have to ride the train again. All I will have to do is get out of bed and ride my bike 5 minutes! Thats 1 hr and 15 minutes less of a commute than I have now :)
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