Well Napa Valley was beautiful! Here is a picture of us in the vineyard of the winery where we stayed, Ballacci. There are lots more pics online. We got to the area Thursday around noon and drove around looking for stuff to do until around 2pm. We found a nature preserve where we walked around for a few minutes. We found a lot of wineries but they were all closed for Thanksgiving. Anyway, Emily and Mark called to say that they had arrived at the house so we went there to meet them around 2pm. We unloaded our stuff, met Marks family and then headed out to explore the vineyard. It was so pretty- all the leaves were changing but there was still green grass on the ground. After our walk we watched football until time for the wine tasting to begin. After wine tasting we relaxed for a while until time for dinner. Dinner was awesome - it was from Whole Foods. After dinner we played poker- the real ESPN way, not the make-it-up-as-you-go way that we usually play. The instruction was courtesy of Marks brother, Gabe. After poker we went out and looked at the stars! There were more than I have probably ever seen before! I think we even saw the Milky Way. I have no idea but thats what Marks dad said anyway :) In the morning we went to a couple wineries- Robert Skinsky (or something like that), which is organic and small, but fun because you get food with your wine tasting, and Mondavi, which is huge and really pretty. We didn't taste there because it was like $30. After that we went to lunch at a really yummy place that I already forgot the name of and then headed to Davis with Emily and Mark. We wandered around downtown for an hour or two, music and bike shops mainly. They had to get back to Palo Alto so we headed back home to Roseville as well. And thats the end! It was definitely the most scenic Thanksgiving I've had but weird to be away from a lot of my family. It was great to see Emily though!! I got to see her engagement rock :) and catch up on life a little bit. OH- I am going to be in Raleigh from Dec 19-22nd so if you want to see me send me an email/call me and we will plan something :)
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