Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Compost Tumbler- Grubs!!

So I have been feeding my compost tumbler and it seems to be doing pretty well. Things are turning brown and the volume has decreased and it doesn't smell too bad.  My only concern is that I have grub/maggot things in there.  They seem to be going to town on my corn cobs and my general feel from my internet searching is that they are good for the compost bin.  My only concern is putting them in the garden. Will they eat my plants/roots?  I am hoping them will die/go away before the compost is ready but if they don't is it OK to put maggot-y compost in the garden?

Notes to Self

  1. Chard is pretty but we don't eat it - don't grow next year

  2. One cucumber plant is plenty

  3. Tomatoes need more than 1 square foot of space (more like 2x2)

  4. Don't be lazy and neglect to pinch off suckers on tomato plants

  5. Pole beans are better than bush beans but they need poles (easy)

  6. Corn and sunflowers grow well together but put sunflowers in the front or they will face away from the garden.

  7. Watermelons like to take over the world; give them space to do so.

  8. Calendula needs more than 1 square foot (more like 2x2)

  9. Marigolds are awesome

  10. I am too busy to water potted plants every day.  Don't bother planting in the summer time

  11. Potatoes are easy; plant more

  12. Ocra seems unhappy.. not really sure why.  The small harvest I've gotten has been very tasty

Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Toy

I finally broke down and got a compost tumbler.  The worms were too hard, they always smelled and had mites.  So anyway, here it is!

Its a ComposTumbler.  So far so good.  I put a bunch of shredded paper in there last weekend and have been gradually adding food and garden scraps as I get them.  I also dumped the remains of the worm bin in there.   I don't think theres enough green stuff in there yet to do anything spectacular.  I will keep you posted on how things go.


This week has been very exciting! I have harvested corn, a pepper, cucumbers, potatoes and onions.

That bottom one is pretty pathetic.  Only like 20 of the kernels got pollinated.  Since then I have harvested several more ears that have looked much nicer. They got eaten so fast I didn't even get pictures.

Cucumbers!  This is the first of two so far.  It was yummy.

I made a chicken wire lined bed for root crops.  Yesterday I dug up everything in there.   That strange looking thing on the bottom left is a carrot.  It got smooshed up against the chicken wire and looks like a mutant.  A couple of the potatoes were giants- even bigger than the originals.  We ate them last night for dinner :)  I love the color of the onions- haven't tasted those yet though.

I am impatiently waiting for my tomatoes to ripen.   There are like 5 billion green tomatoes but none of them are ripening! boo.