I took the afternoon off and walked around taking pictures! I even got out my SLR - I forgot how fun it is. I still like the instantaneousness of digital though - I took this picture like an hour ago and here I am already sharing it with you! The picture, by the way, is the path where I like to go run. Its flat and shady not to mention a view of the mountains and lots and lots of farmland. I took some pictures of my garden. I will post them on my google picture album thingy. There was a dead rabbit out there last weekend. I think a hawk or something got him and dropped him there just for me :P Derrick helped me bury him nearby.
This week it got hot finally! Up into the 80s. I guess it feels less hot without the humidity- still pretty darn hot though ;) Especially compared to the 60s that it has been lately.
Oh man! This morning in class the guy in front of me passed out! He came to in a minute or so - Turns out he hadn't slept last night so that probably had something to do with it. Scared me though!
Ok, thats all! Have a good weekend!